The Nature Positive Initiative

Promoting the integrity and implementation of Nature Positive by 2030

The Nature Positive Initiative is the second phase of work that commenced in 2019, with the development of nature positive by 2030 as the global goal for nature – its equivalent to the 1.5C goal that exists for climate. In December 2022, this ambition level was codified in the mission of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, committing the world to halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030.

Core work includes preserving the integrity of ‘Nature Positive’ as a measurable 2030 global goal for nature for business, government, and other stakeholders, and providing the tools and guidance necessary to allow all to contribute. The initiative also advocates for the full implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework by governments and other stakeholders.

The initial core group of organizations and coalitions, tasked with setting NPI’s strategic direction, policy positions and activities, are shown below. This group is responsible for convening, liaising with, and coordinating the active engagement of a much broader and inclusive constituency of Forum members to ensure all stakeholders’ views are considered and to help support efforts to deliver nature-positive outcomes across society.

Nature positive is not a slogan – it is an ambitious goal and should not be used to imply something is green or nature-friendly. It refers to measurable outcomes that contribute to halting and reversing nature loss with significant benefits to society.